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For several years I have been working with my voice for my clients and have experienced that sound has the ability to bring hardened things into flow, to gently dissolve crystallized emotions and to find one's own strength again. Ancient chants and original languages are stored in our cells and they want to awaken again for the new world that is just emerging.


Remember who you really are


You are just as welcome as you are!

I cordially invite you  to help shape the new world with your wonderful voice.

You don't need any previous knowledge for this course, your inner call and your longing are enough.


Do you hear it, your longing?


You are welcome with and without previous knowledge.


YoniVoice Mentoring

Singing you dive deep into yourself and explore and revive your yoni and your entire sensual-female energy body system with your own voice.


Your body and yoni love to hear your voice. They want to be awakened, loved and nurtured...


...and they have a lot of information for you. 


Let your voice touch you and experience the connection between throat chakra/heart and yoni, and discover your inner healer.


Wordlessly with the sound of your unique voice, receiving your images and inspirations from your womb - (re)invigorating your intuition. Your voice is the gateway to your self-empowerment.

Women have done this for millennia. Let's get our feminine power back.


Every woman has them; her own voice medicine…. and your body loves to hear them. Would you like to discover her in a circle with other powerful, courageous women?

Sound and especially vocal sound has the ability to heal, bless and carry those frequencies that an energy system needs. In addition, your voice acts as an amplifier of your very own medicine.


You don't need any previous knowledge, you are welcome just the way you are.

You can trust yourself again and really listen to yourself.

Do you know them, your gifts and healing abilities? In this course you will get to know them.

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What awaits you in the YoniVoice weekend:

  • 2 live zooms of approx. 2 hours each

  • 1 live weekend of approx. 10 hours on site 

  • deep female sound alchemy

  • Grounding and deep connection to your femininity 

  • Connecting your voice to your womb (did you know the power and importance of activating and living this connection?)

  • your creative, creative potential is ignited

  • simple tuning tools that you simply add to your Everyday  can be integrated

  • Yandiri Soundhealings

  • Valuable simple tools that tune your nervous system into relaxation and fullness.

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Blau Einfach Foto Kinder Facebook-Post.png
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How is the course structured?

You can expect 1 weekend live on site and 2 live zoom calls of 2 hours each, including recording, in which we will dive deep into your voice, into your activation of your healing knowledge, which you carry within you. A  small group of women (max. 12),who feel the same call. A WhatsApp group to share and ask questions.

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Get your ticket
to the Yoni Voice 

6th / 7th May 2023 Live in Basel

Your ticket CHF 490.00

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