sound healing
Being yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself and the world!!!
Remember the inner vastness, spread your wings... and fly!
Do you hear your inner song? Or is it all too often drowned out by your environment and you don't know how to take your place in this world?
As I sing for someone, everything that feels tight now becomes wide. While my sounds vibrate for you, what is currently difficult becomes easy –– Why? –– Because you are inspired by the finely vibrating sound energy of Yandiri Sound Healingremember your original existence:
light,wsince,peaceful and joyful
Your soul can spread throughout the body right down to the cells with their light and peaceful energies.
In this space you become soft and open. Old wounds may show up. Your body is like a river bed, in which my voice gently and at the same time powerfully washes around and flows through what is ready to be released. In the Soundhealings I work not only with my voice, but also with drums, singing bowls and energy transmissions. I sense imbalances in your body and energy field and balance them out.
In professional or private encounters in everyday life, irritation, injuries or even minor or major trauma can occur. Then our inner width suddenly contracts, in certain parts of the body it gets tight. From this narrowness, we continually reproduce negative emotions. My sound healing can help you get your emotions flowing and devote yourself to your essence again.
Yandiri Soundhealings take place online or in my studio in Basel, depending on your preference. Both have the same effect with different qualities.
Samhain SoundLichtKreis via Telegram
Trete ein in eine geschützte Gruppe auf Telegram
Ende Oktober erwarten uns 10 transformative Portaltage, die den Zugang
zur geistigen Welt und zu deiner Seele erleichtern.
Ich lade dich herzlich ein zum Samhain Lichtkreis vom 21. Oktober bis 4. November via Telegram. Höre die Audios, wann immer du magst, und fühle dich unterstützt und verbunden.
Das erwartet dich:
Tägliche Soundhealings, Meditationen und liebevolle Impulse von Engeln und Ahnen
Lichtsprache, Sternengesänge und Yoni-Soundhealings
Du bist Teil eines klar-schwingenden Feldes, das dich an dein wahres Selbst erinnert
Early-Bird Ticket: 88 CHF bis 17. Oktober, 23:00 Uhr. Danach steigt der Preis.
Gemeinsam kreieren wir ein Feld der Liebe und Klarheit, in dem Wunder geschehen können. Ich freue mich, wenn du dabei bist! Bei Fragen oder zur Anmeldung melde dich gerne.
Your monthly companion "Bloom"
I accompany you intensively for 1 month into your lightness and your very own being. Instead of dimming your own lights, just turn down whatever is too loud for you outside. This is sometimes easier said than done, especially as a sensitive person. I will help you to hear your own inner song again and, above all, to carry it to the outside in a sounding manner, because you are a gift and are needed with your very own melody and what you have to give. The 3 sessions take place via zoom or live on site. Distance healing supports you deeply in this process of blossoming. In addition, you can reach me via Whattsapp during the monthly support if you have any questions or concerns.
Magst du mit einem persönlichen Cacao Ritual dein mutiges Herz stärken?
"If you love something enough
it will reveal its secrets."
Thank you, Stefanie, you have a great gift to feel what is hidden deep inside us and longs to be touched. With your singing and your hands you create this touch in an indescribably gentle way. I am very grateful and connected to you.
Sometimes the sounding sounds were reminiscent of a prayer, sometimes they were beautiful melodies, as if from "another planet", but recognizable from my soul, like home. There was a new, deeper connection with me, my inner song and my femininity.
Stefanie's singing took me to another level, so to speak, and I had the feeling that she was telling me my life without words. A sense of healing spread throughout my body, long afterward I could feel my cells vibrating.